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We want you to know that we do not have any copyrighted or illegal content hosted on Tv2Me, The information we host on this site does not have video files that can be copyrighted. Our site only host info about tvshows and Movies as a tvguide. Only information we have on our pages are from &, We link to and embed publicly available videos from other sites such as,, Google Drive,, cloudy, and various other video hosting websites so people can discuss and discover this content on our website. We do not profit from any of the videos linked or embedded on our website. The video hosts run the advertisements on the videos and take all revenue.  We are in correspondence with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”) and general international copyright laws. Tv2Me and owners of this site are not responsible if your copyrighted material is posted by or sent to us by users of the site. We are also not responsible for videos hosted on other websites that we have no control of. If you notice any links or embedded videos on our website that you would like removed, you must contact the video host or linked website to remove the video. 

Contact us here: [email protected]